Sit back and watch this video to learn more …..

Work changes that are experienced when approaching the later stages of career and potential retirement can feel staggering. Some face changes triggered by downsizing. Others yearn to be more meaningfully engaged, full or part-time for pay. Those facing retirement are challenged to envision a future without the structure of work. Watch this video of a workshop with employees at UC Berkeley CA to learn about an expanded definition of work and a practical 8-step process you can start using now with tools available in the book she co-authored, Live Smart After 50! The Experts’ Guide to Life Planning for Uncertain Times.

For 14 years Mary has helped midlife individuals and couples make work and lifestyle changes that energize them to live their best lives, aligned with their values, skills and passions. Her professional transitions led her through 28 years in human services, manufacturing, health care and information technology. In her Encore career she shares what she’s learned about career and lifestyle changes, divorce, and caring for aged parents with her midlife clients. Mary holds an MS and MSW from Case Western Reserve University.

Session Recording

Session Slides