Are You Calcified…In A Rut?

Who would have thought that Jamie Lee Curtis, the funny and sexy actress in the movie A Fish Called Wanda would be handing out clues for how to live a meaningful life. During a recent airplane flight I picked up an article about Jamie that got me thinking about how to...

Let Go

Do you sometimes find yourself sleepless at night with thoughts about a concern churning through your head, keeping you awake and leaving you without energy to face the next day? Or maybe there is a challenging task that you procrastinate on completing, leaving your...

Dealing with What Life Hands You

“We don’t get to a choice about what hand we are dealt in this life. The only choice we have is our attitude about the cards we hold and the finesse with which we play our hand.” Quote from It’s Easier Than You Think, Sylvia Boorstein I recently led a class for 50+...