Cuban Adventure: To See with New Eyes

There ought to be a banner in the arrivals hall at Havana airport that reads ‘Abandon preconceptions, all ye who enter here’. ~ Lonely Planet Our plans to go to Cuba were made before Hurricane Irma and her 160-mile per hour winds pummeled a two-hundred-mile...

Mary’s Personal “Go Local” Campaign

So often we go about our lives, barely noticing how time flies by and what the past years and months have meant to us. Recently I was asked to be interviewed for a short article about “me” for the Life Planning Network newsletter. It allowed me to reflect on some of...

What Will Your Legacy Be?

President Obama’s Past Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, was quoted as saying “never waste the opportunity that a crisis brings to the table.” Leaders during earlier world crises challenged us to come together with strength and conviction to lift ourselves up along with...

Savor Your Harvest

This year’s Northern California Wine Country grape and fruit harvest has been amazingly abundant. From Spring through Fall, when the cold sets in, it’s a juggling act: coaching practice, volunteer activities as well as putting on my “Farmer Hat” growing and harvesting...

Will this be the best ever for you?

Recently I received an email with this wish: May 2010 be the best year of your life!!! Don’t you want this coming year to be the best ever for you? Since life happens one moment and one day at a time, the only time you can impact how well your life will be lived is...

What is the Meaning in Your Thanksgiving?

Are you fortunate enough to have good food and enjoyable gatherings with loved ones as central ingredients in your holiday season? If so, I hope that you’ll take some special moments to celebration a deeper expression of Thanksgiving… expressing gratitude for the...