
See What’s Possible Coaching With Mary

Find what’s truly meaningful to you during your brief stay here on earth and make this planet a better place
because of your contribution.


Leaving on my own terms, with my values intact

I would like to recommend Mary if you are in need to transition yourself from a “toxic environment at work”. I am a healthcare executive, woman of color, who was intimidated and harassed at work by a white male.  I escalated to HR but nothing was done.  With the support of Mary and an employer attorney, I respectfully fought back. I left on my own terms for a promotion with another healthcare organization that is known for its diversity, innovation, and excellence. It has been so exhilarating to be with trusted leaders.  Mary was my catalyst!

HealthCare Executive

Being Fully On My Life-Work Journey 

I had the privilege and good fortune to find Mary Radu and hire her for her expert coaching skills.  That sounds so one dimensional as I write this because Mary took me to places inside myself that I didn’t even know were asking to be heard – she’s a multi-dimensional wizard!   With her insightfulness, intuitive and practical approach we worked our way through a five-month journey together that established the core of why I am doing what I do today and how it guides me in decisions every day.  In my office within eyes reach is my Impact Statement:

 “As a teacher and alchemist I meet people where they are and ignite the flame that illuminates the aging path so that a new trail can be blazed for positive aging and dying.”

Six months after creating that statement I was hosting the first Death Cafe in San Diego , a concept which Mary introduced me to as well.  At the same time I was building my business, Senior Care by Design, a placement service for seniors and their families as they navigate the world of communities to live in.

What Mary taught me was to be about the journey.  Be in it fully!  Embrace the voice that wants to be heard.  And if that means staying unreasonable…then do it, in a very practical way.  I look back now on these past years and think how my work with Mary influenced my life.  I met a wizard on my journey…how cool is that!

Karen Van Dyke, Owner Senior Care by Design

Remarkable and Real Client Story

Click here to listen to a Real Client tell about his experience and what he gained from investing his time and resources in coaching support.

From Construction to Encore Career in Theatre

“For thirty-five years I was literally in the trenches doing concrete construction.  Now I am the Executive Director of an all volunteer non profit theatre company? This might seem a bit “Pygmalion” but fortunately for me Mary Radu is nothing like the Professor Henry Higgins from that play by George Bernard Shaw. Professor Henry Higgins pompously proclaimed he could superficially transform a Doolittle “ragamuffin” into a person of class and substance by the Scientific Method, applying accoutrements and regimented diction lessons. Mary never tried to change me in that way. She respects the individual for who they are, “ragamuffin”, cement mason, or Professor. She does her homework to get some understanding of where you are and helps you make a plan to get where you want to be. She is very professional in her manner and methods. And the ease with which she moved me through the transition made her degree of knowledge and breadth of experience obvious. Mary is a gentle task master. She made me work hard; assuring me that change is not easy. Mary gave me encouragement when I needed it, directed me to resources for information and assistance, introduced me to the tools of the trade, reminded me about the importance of words and how you use them; being a construction guy I know all about that. She helped me look at myself in a different way, as an Executive Director. I can’t thank Mary enough for what she has done for me and Actors’ Theater For Children. I am a better executive director, and I have a theater company to direct.”

Jim Plaisted, Executive Director Actors’ Theatre For Children

A Road Map to Success and Harmony

“I’ve always had very high goals and aspirations in my life. I’ve also struggled through many years of transitions trying the “put one foot in front of the other” approach to achieve my dreams. Pathmaker Coaching is very befitting it’s name for the guidance and direction Mary has given me over the last few years. I think of it like a road map. I have all the routes planned out to a “T”. Yet I don’t know which is going to be the most harmonious and the most scenic route to happiness. I feel like I have just crested over a mountain and have finally discovered a secret little valley called success &  harmony. Thanks again, Mary

David Foster, Owner David Foster Inc Construction

Move From Confusion to Clarity

“With your coaching I moved from a state of confusion to clarity about what I want and my bottom line.to be living authentically, with integrity to both myself and other people. Coaching showed me how to get beyond the losses in my past. I’m practicing the art of aging.I’m getting pretty high marks at it and having a ball! What worked for me was your broad experience of living life, your openness and your being non-judgmental — Knowing you come from a place of integrity and that you would be willing to risk our client relationship by being honest with me even when I didn’t not want to hear it.”

James Cox Retired Recruitment Executive

Clarify Values, Vision and Purpose

“Mary has a great way of helping you get clear about values, vision and purpose and can really help one going through the process of transition. She has a way of getting to the core of things quite quickly…moving beyond the surface level of my life “or my story” and into what’s really going on. I was able to find my own answers from beneath the layers of lies.to identify the strong negative voice and see that I can trust myself. Mary has a very calming effect in the way she coaches. I felt very safe. I felt she was someone who cared and has a nurturing quality. I feel that the fees I paid felt right and fair to me.”

Nancy Koscher, Regional Vice President Richardson

Be Confident To Take On Challenges

“With planning comes preparedness and with this comes confidence. With Mary’s support I gained the confidence to go for a challenging position that was the next step in my career. I learned how to create a personal support network for my career and was grateful that I could use those same tools when I was faced with an unexpected, major medical condition. Contact Mary Radu for some personal and professional coaching…and get on a plan to follow your heart and have fun doing it!!!”

Alan Keller Senior Project Manager Kaiser Permanente

Shift To A New, Exciting Direction

“I highly recommend a coach like Mary when facing life transitions or serious issues where support is needed. In my situation, I initially needed a coach to deal with difficult communications and adjustments which I needed to make with new management. Mary’s inputs into this preparation helped me change my position and survive the office politics. As these changes provided me necessary time for my transition, life planning for the next 20 years and expressing my values has helped me completely shift into a new, exciting direction. Now, when I am frustrated or stuck on issues, I have the skills to verbalize my issues, find out what is stopping me from reaching my dreams. I am finally living today with a unique current plan that fulfills my potential.”

JoAnne U. Moody, Principal Zeta Scientific LLC

An Objective Party To Assist You

“Mary is an excellent coach! I couldn’t have achieved what I did without her guidance and coaching. Mary’s patience, support and calming approach helped me obtain clarity about where I wanted and needed to go and she helped me identify the steps to get there. Through our coaching sessions I was able take control of the situation with my manager, find the right next career move, and recognize the need to take care of my emotional self. Most importantly, the coaching enabled me to find volunteer work to satisfy my passion to help others even though I couldn’t do it through paid work (through hospice volunteer work). I think many of us look to our friends and family to help us with personal and professional situations; however, I think an objective party such as a professional coach is what was needed to best help me.”

Denise H, Project Manager Health Care Industry

Help At A Major Cross Road

“Your coaching is very helpful if you are at a major cross road…personal or career and are ready for the next level of growth and commitment”. Your fees were fair. I felt supported in expressing my feelings and taking action. ”

Sandra Bowen, Clairvoyant Consultant

Create A Concrete Process

“Thank you, Mary, for your terrific assistance. You have helped me enormously to focus my thinking and to set the course for the next few years. My work with you has been a source of continuing joy and awakening for me. I am grateful and in awe of your skill… your compassion and wisdom…I don’t often have that experience. The process has coalesced my thinking and supports my sense of who I am. I know that the suggestions you have made to help me identify my highest and best calling will be fruitful. I know that I can trust myself. The finish is in view and I have a concrete process. Your fees were just right. This seems like fair value for a very valuable service.”

Patricia Harsche-Weeks, Vice President Planning and Business Development Fox Chase Cancer Center

Strength And Support During Transition

“Working with Mary Radu has been a pleasure. Mary entered my life at one of the most difficult times I have experienced. She used fact-based real life techniques to coach me through creation of a plan to advance my career and remedy other personal situations. Mary’s objective approach to gathering information concerning my strengths and weaknesses helped me to minimize the effects of those weaknesses and enhance my strengths even more. From this I was able to redirect my job search to gain several job offers more in line with my career goals. I would highly recommend Mary’s services to others who are struggling to adjust to difficult changes or transitions in their lives.”

Beth R., Project Engineer Medical Device Industry

Re-energized And Expand Your Business

“Mary’s energy and experience offer her clients opportunities to help discover, reawaken, and zero-in on interests, talents, and purpose in life. Mary’s process helped me adjust my career to re-energize and expand my business.”

Rannell Dahl, MS, BA, Owner Ergonomics at Work

Find More Satisfying Options

“Sometimes it is difficult to make changes when you have reached the end of the road. Mary’s coaching brought me to terms with the fact that my job had become a dead end and the fact that it was now time to move on…Coaching helped me make a graceful exit from a job that no longer worked with a minimum of trauma. I didn’t expect that I would get a mission statement of my life and a life plan for the next ten years…Looking back I would have started the process earlier. At first your coaching fees seemed expensive but this experience was crucial to get through. The experience was necessary and worthwhile. I have and will continue to recommend you to others who are ready to get unstuck and find more satisfying options for their lives.”

James Koger, R&D Engineer Medical Device Development

Create New Work Opportunities That Resonate With All Of Who You Are

“Mary intuitively tuned into what I was saying and often took me to a deeper level. She had me investigate my own mind and heart, until I came up with what was really true for me and what I really wanted to do about it. As a result I am actively creating new work opportunities that resonate with all of who I am. And I am also more able to “be” the person I want to be in relation to my two children.”

Beverly Wann, Leadership Development Consultant Certified Professional Coach and Nia Instructor

Define Your Own Success

“I have reached a point in my life and career where I felt limited by my own behavior, habits and beliefs. I asked Mary Radu to help me to investigate that, and to help me advance to more successful ways of thinking and behaving. She responded as a skilled coach, and has helped me to develop effective abilities and methods. She has helped me to make better use of my own resources and indeed to “play my game at a higher level”. I highly recommend Mary to anyone who wants to define their own success and move in that direction.”

Robert Feldman, President Corona Consulting, LLC

Live Out Your Intentions

“Mary is a superb coach who links up with me just where I am inviting me to go deeper in experiencing my life and moving toward what is calling me. She has a highly developed intuitive sense that enables so much of what happens in our sessions to be “right on” for what I need to help me in my ongoing transformation and greater effectiveness. Although Mary is obviously extremely bright, she puts me completely at ease so that I can get maximum benefit from our sessions. Even Mary’s voice quality assists in helping me relax and go to a more reflective place. Since I am a coach myself, my awareness of coaching competence is highly nuanced. Mary is extremely skillful and artful in weaving together our interactions through adroit approaches and powerful questions. Results achieved through working with Mary:

  • I have found a new way of being… to use my internal tuning fork to assess whether a situation resonates with my internal truth
  • I have created a daily reminder (using Outlook) to live out my intentions
    • Several key metaphors that have been discovered during our coaching help me focus on what is most important to me, give me a framework to guide me through what were previously overwhelming demands, and help me be less anxious that I am missing important things.”

Grace and Peace, Larry Ousley, D.Min., CPCC Director of the Intentional Growth Center

Have A Peaceful Feeling That You’re Doing What You Are Meant To Do

“It’s incredible the work you do. Your coaching gave me gentle and powerful visualizations and guidance. The three things I wanted from the program were clarity, a decisive plan of action and life tools for how to do it. I wanted a place for passion to manifest. I found that I’d never given this much thought to what I wanted in my life. You have fantastic and fun processes! I’ve been able to speak the truth and got your permission to be honest and not judge myself, making my process less emotional, more fun and creative. I’m keeping my focus and implementing my plan. And now a year later I’m living like an artist every day, being so true to myself. I have a peaceful feeling that I’m doing what I am meant to do. Without your help I never would have been so precise about what it was that I wanted to do. I don’t flounder with indecision. I’ve met almost every short term and long term goal for the entire year and it wasn’t hard. It got easy because I prioritized myself and didn’t let other people’s emotions or problems effect what I did in my everyday life. I’m living by design. It’s hard to believe that I’ve lived to this age and not known that it’s ok to say no to other people’s requests and to trust that they’ll still do it, but differently because I’m not involved. I don’t waste any moment of my time. Your coaching is by far one of the greatest teaching tools I have ever, ever experienced.just great, great tools. It was worth more than what I got! You have no idea what impact your coaching has made. I’m making life-long changes. It was the right time for me to do what I really wanted to do. With everything that I approach in my art and in my life that’s new I’m being a far better student of life because I don’t criticize, I just let it happen. Yet everything is possible! I am so rich with life. I had four major injuries last year that were set backs, yet they gave me the time to redirection my focus on my art.giving me quieter moments and more time for experimentation and just letting things happen. Every part of my life has been dramatically affected by working with you. It takes my breath away! I blew up every fallacy and thing that was not important in my life and created a life that works yet I’m not all that changed. It’s a whole lot of work but the work doesn’t matter. It’s not hard, it becomes easier when you’re doing exactly what you want.”

Diane Marie Hammond, Artist

Ready to Discover a Meaningful New Path for Your Career or Lifestyle?

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